Typical age of reader: 11-15 years old
Typical gender of reader: Male 13% - Females 87%
Income/social economic class: They will have a low income due to them still studying at school. Most of the 11-15 year olds parents will pay for the magazine for them, this is why it is critical that the content is suitable.
Favourite bands/artists: JLS, Justin Bieber, One Direction, Flo Rida, Miley Cyrus, Pink, Lady Gaga, High School musical and Katy Perry.
Attitude to life: They generally have a positive look on life and want to do well at school, although they are starting to hit their teenage years.
Spend money on: Clothes, Cosmetics, Mobile Phones, Ipods/mp3 players, Music CD’s and DVD’s.
Typical fashion/clothes: SuperDry, Jack Wills, Toms
Music: The readers of Top of The Pops magazine, want to be just like the celebrities that they see in the magazines and on the TV. They are inspired by their talents and how they look, which results in them wanting to be ‘mainstream’ and follow the crowd with what they wear, and the things they do. They also listen to the music in the magazine to ‘fit in’ with people that like the same things as them.
Films: The readers watch musicals such as: High School Musical, Grease, Glee and Camp Rock, so that they can learn the songs and sing them with their friends.
Other Information:
- Launch date- February 1995
- Genre- Pop music
- Multiplatform- no
- Readership- 331,000
- Frequency- Weekly
- Circulation Figures- 78,325
- Price- £2.99
- Pages- 56
The information given in the magazine includes interviews with celebrities eg: ‘Misha B’ and ‘100% One Direction’ and information about the life behind the scenes of the stars. This magazine has mostly gossip contents to suit the target audience with little factual knowledge. (Maslow, Esteem and self-actualisation )
The attitude to the artists and bands is very laid back. There is a cool and trendy, relaxed theme to the magazine with a great deal of focus on relationships and insider information. The effect on the reader will mainly be informing them of the latest gossip. There are 6 articles for ‘All About You’, these include problem solving and real life stories. This is what the young reader are interested in so the magazine will really appeal to the reader. (Maslow, Esteem and Love/Belonging)
Connections with other mind-like fans are shown through ‘Your Shout Outs’. Readers can interact with the magazine and online because they contain 8 competitions and ‘Offers’ on items to buy in shops. There are not obvious signs to social networking sites as the target audience may be a little young. There are adverts in the inside back cover of the magazine to mobile phone downloads eg: ‘Ringtones and Wall papers’. Subscription is not promoted well but there is a section near the end of the magazine called ‘Reserve me a copy’. There is also a reminder to ‘ Don’t miss the next issue of…’ for the online version on the same page. Subscription of both the magazine and online version are important to make people feel like they belong to the ‘Top Of The Pops’ family. (Uses and Gratification, Integration and social interaction) (Maslow, Love/Belonging)
Personal Identity
Top of the Pops is for those that want to know all the latest insider gossip. There is a lot of ‘Pop’ subculture. The appearance of the magazine is very basic with a girly pink colour theme. The pictures of the celebrities with body, vestural and object codes that connote a sense of popular dress style. They also contain many pull out style pictures that are up to date and they are highlighted on the contents page as ‘Boy Alert!’. This allows the young audience to connect with the magazine and have a lasting keepsake for themselves or for their bedroom wall. (Uses and Gratifications, Personal Identity)
Top of the Pops magazine is a source wonderful of gossip. The audience can get direst information from the artists on their feelings, bad habits and interests. The young readers can escape from real life for a bit. There are links to popular TV shows eg: ‘The Voice’. (Uses and Gratifications, Entertainment)
In Top of the Pops magazine the minority of the articles are about music news, though the content of the news varies from ‘Celebrities at London Fashion Week’ to the ‘Latest…music, film and TV highlights’. The website also offers a limited amount of news. (Uses and Gratifications)
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