Monday, 18 November 2013

NME contents page analysis- research

  • The NME Contents Page for 9th March 2013 is located on page 2 of the magazine. The mast head has large main text which reads ‘Inside this week’. The elements of the contents page are quite ordered in 3 column type shapes. There are approximately 4 fonts used. The background is predominantly white with black writing. Additional colour is red with a little splash of yellow. This mirrors the colour scheme used on the issues front cover for consistency.
  • Layout- the largest image catches the readers eye as it is of the iconic Noel Gallagher. Shock factor is used to attract the readers attention and to fit in with the singers bad boy reputation with ‘What releasing new music proves is that reunions are fucking shite and worthless’. This is also probably the main story within this addition. The image breaks up the text to allow for easy reading / grazing by the reader. The short bursts of texts in columns reduce the effort of reading. Additional features also have shock factor to engage with the reader for example there is mention of drugs on page 8 and of an ‘orgasmic bunny’ on page 46. Sex, controversy and drugs do sell magazines.  Page numbers are listed for all main features- this allows the target audience to easily locate the pages they are interested in. Additional features are listed in a smaller font with no further explanation or image under the section entitled ‘Plus’
  • Images- there are 7 images on the cover page- 4 have men, 1 woman and 1 crowd. The last image is of NME front cover pages. All images are different to the main front cover image and the additional 12 smaller images in order to suggest to the reader a variety of content. The images for single performers primarily use a low angle close up shot.
  • Colour Scheme- As mentioned above the colour scheme is the same house style as the front cover (black, white and red). This particular colour scheme is part of the brand identity for NME. Brand identity is important as the magazine will be easily recognisable on the news stand and will allow for familiarity. The use of the red or other brighter colours is often used for important points or buttons (as on the front cover of this edition) and sell lines.
  • The subscription to NME is important as this is how the magazine obtains its income. Readers like bargains and the 38% saving will be a good incentive to subscribe via the telephone or the website. The inclusion of the website is good for digital natives.


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