Monday, 7 October 2013

3 College magazines- codes and conventions

College Magazine Code and Convention 1
Conventions of a front cover of a magazine:
  • Masthead-Stands out from the rest of the page- in bright red colour to link with the red of the models T shirt
  • Use of Z rule in terms of layout for easy reading and scanning of text by the target audience
  • Photos and text stand out all in bright blue/ black colour- font can varying in size and colour- simple, plain and bold
  • Pictures and texts overlap e.g. ‘She’s 16 and pregnant’
  • Reference to website is located below barcode in the lower right pug position- provides interactivity for digital natives- good use of multiplatforming
  • Skyline- Masthead is located in the Strapline position
  • There are no secondary images used on the ‘College’ front cover
  • Graphic details are used on the models T Shirt via the ‘I’loveheart’ SMU’
  • Colour scheme- works well with large volume of bright red and blue- presents as youthful and fun
  • Date and issue number are located under that Masthead
  • Price is located by the barcode. Size of price is small so as to NOT attract attention
  • Buzz words and sell lines are appealing and have a certain level of shock factor e.g. referring to drugs, beer and pregnancy.
  • Natalie is clearly a  ‘famous/ known’ young woman- she has been selected to attract target audience
  • Main article of magazine is referenced on front cover- again taking advantage of the Natalie’s star appeal. There are intertextual links.
  • Insider information and true stories are referred to on the sell lines.

College Magazine Code and Convention 2
Conventions of a front cover of a magazine:
  • Masthead-Stands out from the rest of the page- effective use of font – 2 words in black and white at 90 degrees to each other. Masthead takes up approximately 1/6th of the front cover
  • Photos and text stand out all in contrasting colour- font is varying in style e.g. mixture of upper and lower case and size and colour. Font selected is  simple and plain allowing  easy readability
  • Pictures and texts overlap- text is in front of the iconic image
  • Unusually there is no reference to website and no use of secondary images
  • I believe the actual use of the Blackpool as an image is in itself a graphic detail- the reader easily identifies the location and is keen to know more
  • Colour scheme represents summer coming and also a sun rise representing almost the dawn or start of learning
  • There is no bar code, date, issue number or price
  • The strapline lists ‘Featuring’ articles but this is merely stated rather than explained. I feel that this is failing to engage with the reader as it gives minimal facts with no fun or shock factor
  • There is only one image- I find that my eye is drawn to the sun and the rays streaming through the clouds rather than the content.

College Magazine Analysis 3
Conventions of a front cover of a magazine:
  • Masthead-Stands out from the rest of the page- School Sports is a well-known college magazine with brand identity. The Masthead sits behind the text
  • Photos and text stand out all in bright colour against the black background.
  • Font is varying in style, size and colour. The main article ‘The Takeover’ has a 3D font to engage the reader and this sits in front of the image. Of the 3 magazines this is the most complicated to read.
  • There is no reference to website- this is a missed opportunity to engage the reader.
  • Skyline position tells the reader not once but 3 times that this is a ‘Premier issue’ – this could mean it’s a first issue but more than likely this is an intertextual link that the basketball team will be in the premier league.
  • There is no use of secondary images as with other types of magazine genre. An increased use of image would facilitate easier gaining of knowledge or ‘grazing’ by the reader
  • Graphic details include the basketball to leave the reader in no doubt which sport the team play. The number 1 is found twice in the sell lines again referring to who will be the league winner.
  • Colour scheme for this magazine appears to be quite masculine so I feel the magazine will have a bias towards a male readership- primary colours
  • Bar code, date and price are not evident in this magazine.
  • Sell lines are appealing and engaging with the reader providing them with insider information re sporting interests
  • Celebrities within the college or ‘famous’  sportsmen attract target audience
  • Main article of magazine referenced on front cover- again taking further advantage of star appeal

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