Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Final Front Cover

Final Contents Page

Final Double Page Spread

Evaluation- Question 1

Evaluation- Question 2A

Evaluation- Question 2B

Evaluation -Question 2C

How Does Your Media Product Represent Particular Social Groups?
My target audience for my magazine was 15-35 year olds. My target audience social groups are, students, part time/full time workers, apprentices and young single adults. I chose this audience due to the market opportunity I would gain along with me being part of this group. I decided to make an indie magazine because I feel that a large range of people are requiring the opportunity to hear about a variety of sound. As my magazine is aimed at both genders I have tried to incorporate a colour scheme which supports this. 

I think that in terms of the outfits my models wore I have reflected my target social group because I had my main model ' Lily Step' wearing a checked shirt with black leggings and black pumps. I also styled  my model with a navy bandanna in her hair, this was effective however on the photos you could not really see it so I swapped it for a trilby hat as these are popular on the indie scene and worn by the social group. All of the outfits I styled my models in throughout my magazine are typically worn by target audience and could all be purchased from charity shops or vintage stores. They are not known for big brand labels as they all like their individual styles.  

When styling my model I didn't only have to think about clothing I thought about hair and make-up too.
For my models make-up I had to make sure that it suited my genre and my social group. For 'Lily Step' I made sure her make-up was subtle. I achieved this look by discreetly emphasizing my models features. I used a small sponge to apply a light foundation covering the whole face, this was from the brand Rimmel London, I then applied a light covering of a powder from the Bare Minerals collection. Next I focused on my model's eyes. To make her eyes really stand out I used the 'Smokey Eye' effect, using two colours; black and silver. I achieved this by having black on the outer sides and silver going towards the tear duct of the eye using Max Factor Eye Shadow along with a small eye brush and a pointy ended sponge. I used Max Factor Max Length Mascara to increase the length of my models lashes and Max Factor Colour X-Pert Waterproof Eyeliner to increase the definition of my models eyes. I applied Bonjouis Blusher Cream to my models cheek bones to enhance her bone structure along with Bare Minerals Bronzer to contour her cheeks. To get a more natural look with this I only applied small amounts to my model's face as I didn't want her too look orange as this is not the look my target audience would choose to look like. I finished my models look off with a dark pink coloured lipstick again from Rimmel London.
For my models hair I loosely curled it to give it a more natural look along with adding some Treseme 24 Hour Hold Hairspray to retain the volume.
Finally I painted my model's nails a red colour from Chanel, to emphasize femininity into my picture. This allowed me to use red as one of my main colours in my house style colour scheme.
 I chose to style my main model Lily Step like this because of the inspiration and information I had gained from my research into Indie Magazines and the way the models and artists were styled in them. 

Evaluation- Question 3

Evaluation- Question 4

Evaluation- Question 5A

Evaluation- question 5 part 1 by Gabby Butler on GoAnimate

Evaluation- Question 5B

Evaluation- question 5 part 2 by Gabby Butler on GoAnimate

Evaluation- Question 6

Evaluation- Question 7