Monday, 30 September 2013

3 College Magazine Analysis

College Magazine Analysis 1

This college magazine front cover connotes that college is a happy place to be as the model is smiling with a relaxed body posture.  The anchorage text for this front cover is located around the image and is short and snappy however getting straight to the point. The choice of text and the wording entices you to read the contents of the magazine as it is what the target audience want to read about. The text relates straight to the target audience as the language that is used is the same language teenagers/young adults use at college.
The institutions for this magazine are that it is based in a college and can be found on the college website and around the campus. This magazine is from the SMU campus in America.
The ideology denotes the fun aspect of college life. The female model is youthful and the same age as the target audience. Her t-shirt reads ‘I love (love heart) SMU’ which suggests that she is happy and content studying there. This is an intertexual link with the text reading ‘A new kind of balancing act, Nastis Liukin on SMU’s campus’. I expect that the model herself is Nastia, she is likely to be a well-known figure around college, possibly a cheerleader.  The model is in the foreground. The photographer  has used a medium long shot with the avenue of trees on the college campus in the background. This suggests that college life is not just about studying but getting out and enjoying the weather with friends.
The articles in the magazine are highlighted in the sell lines. Drugs are possibly the norm in college and students live on a budget. One article ‘Smoking salvia- the truth behind the legal drug’ suggests that college students will grow their own drugs from salvia plants however there are risks to be considered when doing so. Another article ‘ Sleeping your way to the top’ can engage the reader as colleges are well known for both gossip and promiscuity. The third magazine refers to ‘beer’ again colleges have a drinking ethic and many of the lads will be interested in this article. The last sell line talks about teenage pregnancy – every college girl’s worst fear whilst studying. Having stories which engage and attract the reader will increase demand for the product.

College Magazine Analysis 2
The Blackpool 6th form college magazine June 2013 issue features a single main image of the iconic Blackpool Tower structure. The intertextual links featured are the sun shining brightly down from the highest point on the page- seemingly higher than the tower itself- this image links with the Anchorage text ‘Summer’s coming’. The upwards tilt shot emphasise the height of the structure. This connotes that Blackpool 6th college is one of the best colleges as it ‘towers’ above the rest of the local post 16 colleges and 6th forms. The colour scheme used also suggests that the photo was taken at dawn- again suggesting that the light/ sun is coming.
The language is simple and wording immediately engages with the young  6th form readership. It is likely that this magazine will be available for the Year 12 and 13s based at the college but also possibly for the local Y11’s in feeder schools so that they can get a feel of what is hip and cool on the college scene.
The headline ‘Sixth Sense’ is  in the same position  as in earlier editions and uses the standard font in capitals letters for reader recognition. This is part of the magazines brand identity with the words been at 90 degrees to each other. The font is clean and modern and easily readable.
Features in the magazine are easily highlighted with little explanation across the strap line: ‘Xbox one- Poetry Day-Festival Fun-Blackpool Pride’. The content should appeal to the range of students attending the college as the articles cover gaming, social opportunities, English Literature i.e. studies and the Blackpool Pride Festival. The magazine does not require any prior knowledge from the reader.

College Magazine Analysis 3

There are 2 male, black basketball players  shown on the cover of this magazine. They are the typical stereotypes of  the basketball players of the university/ college scene. The team mates are dressed in their team kit- Trojans 32. They have a determined stance with an almost arrogant facial pose which is connoting their determination to win or as the intertextual link states ‘ The Takeover- Bill Walker and CJ Mayo are ready to take the hoop world’. This information will be relevant to those interested in college sports in California. The object code of a basketball is used so the reader is clear on what sport the men play.
Technical codes-The main colours used a re black background with contrasting white and yellow font. The typeface is very regular in style and is mostly in capitals for increased emphasis. These colours look well compared to the white and red basketball uniform. The image elements are all in focus. The camera angle is a low angle, medium range shot - this is to emphasis the status of these 2 successful players. The reader will look up to their college heroes.
Text included on the cover has a clear language,  the font colour alternates as the reader scans down the story lines. The story lines are located on the left hand side of the image to aid visibility on the magazine rack. The text makes references to sport especially basketball. Other articles are listed but to the general reader their content may not be obvious e.g.  Seton or La Salle. The main function of the messages on the cover is to engage the reader in learning who is number one in college sports currently.
The target audience are American college students especially those based in the area of California hence the featured Trojan 32 team. This magazine could be available on line or on newsstands under college magazines. It is likely that the magazine will have national distribution within America.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Medium Close-Up Shots

As part of the brief it says the the shot must be a medium close-up shot. These are some images I got from google.

Monday, 23 September 2013

The Brief:
Preliminary exercise- Using DTP and an image manipulation program, produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in a medium close-up plus some appropriately laid-out text and a masthead. Additionally you must produce a mock-up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate their grasp of DTP.

Main Task:
The front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine. All images and text used must be original, produced by you - minimum of four images.